Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daddy sponsored us for Sky Dining. I didn't ask him to but I ever told him that I wanted to try sky dining someday. So, he surprised me with this. An all paid, sky dining experience for me and Miko. My dad is the best. He gave me so much happiness in life I couldn't thank him enough. He's by far, the greatest dad of all. Miko and myself were excited, definitely! It's our virgin experience. We had a great experience. The foods were scrumptious! We couldn't finish the dessert as we were already full. What's even better was, the flowers decoration which makes it more, romantic atmosphere. Daddy requested for a flower cabin.

After sky dining, we waited for a cab at Jewel Box for a good 1 hour but to no avail. It causes a tiff between me and Miko. I wanted to get my ass back at home before 9.15pm but there's not a single cab available at Mount Faber. After getting tired of waiting, we decided to take a cable car ride back to Harbour Front and call a cab. It took us 30minutes to finally got a cab. Kanasai. Ironic, we're always quarrelling whenever there's no cab available. It's so frustrating right? When you needed a cab so badly, there's no cab. But when you don't need one, there's so many cab available. Wtf?

Above all, i had a bliss quality time with my husband. We needed it badly. Love you baby!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's a busy week at work I must say. Ever since I was promoted to Sales Support Assistant, I have no leisure time to watch videos, online chat, online shopping and many more. I was not expecting this to come but Alhamdulillah, I'm given the opportunity to venture into this line. From Front Desk to Sales?? It's a BIG difference. It was hard at first, having to learn from the scratch. But slowly, I acclimatize myself with the job scope and Alhamdulillah, I did my first SOC Kick Off Meeting successfully. I received appraisals from my supervisors and they were the ones, who motivate me to gain new knowledge to enhance my career growth.

I think, it's an advantage for my future too. I can't possibly stuck to be a Receptionist forever do I? I have to upgrade myself. These past few days, I have been working very hard to understand the duties. I was told by my manager, if I perform very well for the next 3 months, they will promote me to Executive position. Insyallah.

Apart from this, lately, husband and I are lack of communication. He's very busy with his night shift job because of major events. I miss him very much. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's quality time with him. Above all, I am grateful to Allah S.W.T for blessing me with good things in life despite having an annoying mother. HAHA!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Alhamdulillah. It's out 7th wedding monthsary.
I thank Allah for a wonderful husband.
Insyallah our love will stay strong till paradise. Amin
I love you very much, Miko.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Anugerah Planet Muzik 2011

It was my virgin visit to APM 2011 at Max Pavillion. I've got a pair of free tickets so Fet joined me to catch in LIVE. We were excited! First time experience was great. Got to see famous artist from Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore. Sadly, we didn't manage to take pictures with anyone. =( Oh well, in my opinion for this year APM was fair. Not too good not too bad. The best part for the night was when Rossa & Hady Mirza sang Ku Menunggu. Loved it so so much! And also,the opening act by Sarah Aqilah, Rahayu Ridzwan, Taufik Batisah, Hady Mirza, Sezairi Sezali & Sleeq singing Senyum was dope! Apart from these 2, I guess, the most jaw dropping moment of the event was, Dato' Siti Nurhaliza's performance. Shouldn't put it as jaw dropping, more to most hilarious moment. Her song was not bad.. It's just that, her dancing and her outfit doesn't suit the song itself. HAHA! Anyway, it was a great experience. I was expecting Agnes Monica to come but I guess, she knows she won't win any awards that's why she decided not to come anyway. Waste her time only. hehehe. Love you Nez eventhough you didn't win any awards. To me, you're already a winner.
Till the next APM!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I was exceedingly annoyed and sad to be at home with mom. I cried for awhile in my room and went out after Maghrib. I just want to ease the stress away. So I planned to surprise my husband at his workplace; Ying Yang Bar. It was my virgin visit. I arrived Tanjong Pagar and I was lost. I was stuck at MRT station for a good 30mins. I feel like I'm a foreigner in my own country. Thankfully, there's Ipad 2 with me. I used the map for directions. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? Gundu me! However, I walked to the wrong direction and had to turn back to MRT to get the right path. Sway betol! Upon reaching the bar, I was sweating profusely. Miko was surprised to see me. It makes me feel better by just looking at him. I waited at the bar for at least 4 hours, listening to the house music, playing with Ipad and drank non alcoholic orange juice. We cabbed home and slept like nobody business. Too lethargic, mentally and physically. ;P

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Husband and myself cabbed to Yishun for a friend's wedding reception. She's someone I've not met for years but we got in contact recently. She was so gorgeous today! I love the outfit and the accessories. The make-up was superb! Two thumbs up to the Mak Andam! Miko and myself ate briyani only. Literally, I wanted to eat the Putu Mayam and Mee Soto but it was crowded so I decided to sacrifice my cravings.. ;P To Sue and husband, congratulations on your wedding! May the both of you lead a jovial life and cepat cepat dapat anak yer! Insyallah kekal hingga ke akhir hayat. Amin!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Woke up early today. Pitied Miko because he only slept for a few hours and had to wake up early. Cik Is drove my family to Geylang for Hari Raya shopping session. We had lunch at Hjh Maimunah before proceeding to Joo Chiat. First stop was, Ming Seng! Mom bought Fet and myself a new gold locket for our necklace. Mom bought a new ring and bangle for herself. Dad bought a ring for himself and a ring for Miko too. Thank you daddy, yet again!

I left early with Miko because we had to go to Cineleisure for our movie which starts at 3.45pm.
It was an awesome movie! I loved it to the core. Bumblebee is my all time favourite. Hopefully there's Transformers 4! After movie, we headed to Lucky Plaza to send money to mama. Afterwhich we, roamed around Wisma and I bought 2 pairs of shoes at Rubi. Then, we roamed around Ion and had late dinner at Burger King.

Abruptly, I had a horrible gastric attack and we rushed home by cab. Watched undercover boss before we doze off. All in all I had a fabulous day with my family and Miko! By the way, I've got a pair of free tickets to ANUGERAH PLANET MUSIC!!! Awesomeness! Will be going with Fet. Enough said. Alios!