It was a productive Sunday for Miko and myself. I woke up at 10am to see if my laundry have dry. Forced Miko to wake up but pitied him at the same time because he reached home 5am this morning. He went out to buy my all time favourite, Mee Soto and he bought Nasi Padang for himself. After breakfast, we took in the laundry, folded the clothes, swept the floor, mopped the floor, cleaned the dusty fan and closet. Lethargic so we took our power nap until 5.30pm. Woke up and showered.
At 6, we all went out to have Fathers' Day Dinner at Fig & Olive; Mummy's treat. Nana joined us because her mom has to work today. I had my Fish & Chip (of all) and Miko had his all time fav, Magribi Chicken and the rest ate beef steak. After dinner, we roamed around JP. Miko & myself surprised daddy with an Adidas Shirt. Since mom has been pestering us on Mothers' Day for not getting her a gift, we bought her a bag so that she can shut her mouth already. ;P
By 8.30pm, we all went home for a deserving sleep. Miko abruptly felt unwell. Fed him panadol and he slept like a log. Get well soon baby. I love you.