We celebrated 2011 at Johor, Malaysia. It's just a simple 'Makan Angin' trip. But it was a blast day out with my husband. Even though I was utterly annoyed with the exceedingly long queue at M'sia Custom. It all vanished away afterwards. A Great day, with great food & great husband! Complete bliss. ♥ ♥ ♥

As soon as I reached home, there's a surprise gift from Mamat bestie on my bed. It's his way of making up to me for not being able to come to my Wedding. He gave a bride & groom teddy bears. How adorable. I love it! Thanks Mamat dear. I forgive you, no hard feelings. We will always be bestfriends even if I'm already married.

My new year resolution is to be a responsible wife & to be thrifty. Errmmm, and to lose weight?

Lots of love, Fazlin Ferrer